Kingdom Academy:
Kingdom Academy is a church & ministry whose goal is to perform The Great Commission.
To preform The Great Commission.
Mission Statement:
Charge disciples of Jesus Christ to The Great Commission; by supporting them in spiritual and physical development.
Vision Statement:
To serve The Lord God, as He has called His individual disciples to do so, through The Great Commission.
Kingdom Academy operates by using the church operations to create opportunities for individuals to have relationship and encounters with God; and the ministry operations for individuals to serve The Lord God in their unique calling.
Kingdom Academy is a 501(c)(3) non-profit church, with an open books policy.
All assets of Kingdom Academy are exclusively and permanently dedicated for the purpose of operating Kingdom Academy. In keeping with and maintaining this purpose Kingdom Academy has elected to have an open book policy; please see complete information section for all up-to-date documentation.
Articles of organization
Please see complete information section below for Kingdom Academy’s articles of organization
Complete Information
Kingdom Academy is a church & ministry whose goal is to perform The Great Commission.
• The Church focuses its efforts on providing opportunities for individuals to have relationship and encounters with God.
• The Ministries focuses their efforts on providing individuals opportunities to serve The Lord God in their unique calling.
To perform The Great Commission (Matthew 28: 16-20)
• As individuals learn about Jesus Christ and His great love for them and they accept Him into their lives as Lord and Savior; Kingdom Academy and its partners want to train young believers in Christ as they walk together in discipleship with each other and Christ.
• In time Kingdom Academy and its partners then want to charge disciples to The Great Commission in the way, areas, and with the unique Gifts that God specifically calls and blesses the individual disciple with.
• Kingdom Academy wishes to support disciples by providing them with all manner of training, tools, resources, facilities and anything else we can, to help the disciple in their pursuit of being a mature Christian and that of their pursuit of The Great Commission.
Charge disciples of Jesus Christ to The Great Commission; by supporting them in spiritual and physical development.
• Charge: entrust (someone) with a task as a duty or responsibility;
• Disciples: a personal follower of Jesus Christ
• Jesus Christ: God Almighty (Yahweh) in the flesh.
• The Great Commission: “…19Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matthew 28: 19-20) Full reference: The Great Commission Matthew 28: 16-20
• Supporting: 1) bear all or part of the weight of; hold up 2) give assistance to, especially financially; enable to function or act 3) provide with a home and the necessities of life 4) produce enough food and water for; be capable of sustaining; give approval, comfort, or encouragement to 5) be actively interested in and concern for the success of 6) material assistance
• Them: the disciple
• Spiritual: relating to or affecting the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things; (of a person) not concerned with material values or pursuits.
• Physical: relating to the body as opposed to the mind/ spirit; relating to physical world or the operation of natural forces generally.
• Development: grow or cause to grow and become more mature, advanced, or elaborate; a specified state of growth or advancement.
• Colloquial translation: Have people who follow Jesus Christ, do as we were commanded; and help them in any and every way Kingdom Academy can.
To serve The Lord God, as He has called His individual disciples to do so, through The Great Commission.
• Kingdom Academy wants its members and partners to serve Jesus Christ, in the unique and specific way that God has called them to do so. We want to support the disciple in this endeavor by having them grow in all manners of health, wellness and prosperity as well as support them in any other way we reasonably can.
• Kingdom Academy’s vision is that, as the individual learns and grows, they will be able to help the next person learn and grow as well. This of course is The Great Commission and is accomplished by sharing the love of Jesus Christ.
Kingdom Academy operates by using the church to create opportunities for individuals to have relationship and encounters with God; and the ministries for individuals to serve The Lord God in their unique calling.
• Kingdom Academy church facility(s) are focused on providing everything possible to help facilitate individuals having relationship and encounters with God.
• Kingdom Academy Ministry Operations is about providing an environment that is pleasing to God and under the authority, rules, and commands of God. To allow disciples and individuals to learn and grow in the ways of becoming more mature Christians.
• This is done by creating a Godly environment and operating it in a manner where people can learn and grow through their daily interactions. “23For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” {(Romans 3:23) Full reference: Righteousness Through Faith Romans 3: 21-31} but “17as iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another” (Proverbs 27: 17). Therefore Kingdom Academy’s ministries will work side by side with individuals; providing feedback on how we can do better and become more mature Christians on a daily basis through work and interactions within the ministries.